Social Drugs: The Future or The End?

In recent years countless revolutionary medical breakthroughs and new pharmaceutical technologies have been created, and now more than ever the underground social drug market has become a freighting entity. Black market research and stolen corporate formulas are only a few of the sources that feed the every expanding arsenal of mind and body altering drugs that flood the streets, clubs, and schools of every country in the world.

Free of the moral and fanatical obligations to promise a safe and reliable product, the criminal enterprises that back the social drug agenda know that the only thing that matters to their consumers is their effect. Whether it's a drug to fry the mind, improve sexual performance, or simply to help one chill out, there is a drug for everyone willing to pay to price of using unregulated meds.

Out of all the drugs that flood the scene, one stands out as it has rapidly swept across all demographics and taken the underground drug market by storm. Gunk, shot, the green stuff, among dozens of other identifiers are used to name it and it is a truly fitting name.

Gunk is the newest designer drug to give it all, sexual stimulation, trance like mind trips, improved physical performance in and out of bed, and some even claim heightened intelligence. It is hailed as the wonder drug of the age despite its terrifying and sometimes deadly side effects.

The first time I tried Gunk I was scared, I mean I never shot before... I was worried it was something like heroin, addictive and deadly you know? But it wasn't, deadly I mean. At first it stings when the needle goes in and you inject yourself, but after that it's like the best dream of your life. Your body heats up, you get turned on, and you start seeing everything so clearly. It's shameful to admit, but I actually came. I never had a drug that gave me an orgasm before and now I'm hooked. ~ A New York Party Girl

Minor side effects vary from individual to individual, but there is one trade mark side effect of Gunk that many hail as its most attractive feature, its abnormal effect on the human salivary glands. As a by product of the experience it's common for a user to drool and produce an excess amount of saliva. This saliva however is green, thick like syrup, and has been said to have a surprisingly soft and sweet flavor making it in itself, an addictive substance.

The salivary glands in mammals produce saliva and in other organisms such as insects, salivary glands are often used to produce biologically important proteins like silk or glues. For human salivary glands under the influence of Gunk to mimic a surprisingly similar biological effect to that of an insects is highly alarming. This drug is dangerous and should be treated as such. ~ A Dr. from New York Hospital

Despite the risks Gunk has even found its way into the homes of normal upstanding citizens who have never before gone out of their way to enjoy a social drug.
Yes, me and my wife use Gunk. We trade off who gets shot, but she likes it best when I take it as I'm one of those heavy droolers. She loves the stuff, when I take the shot there's never a moment my wife's lips aren't locked with mine trying to get at my drool. ~ A Happily Married Man

Because of both its mind altering and sexual enchanting effects, Gunk as become a staple for underground sex game's and deviant and alternate lifestyle practitioners.

Yes I'm a Gunk mistress, I stick the boy's and girl's who comes into my studio. Most don't expect it and it comes as a shocking surprise, but when it gets into their system they just melt under my heel. The drools a little annoying at times, but it comes with the territory of gags and dildos. It also gives me a valid excuse to punish them when they drip it all over me, and much to their delight i always make them clean it up after, always. ~ An Underground Dominatrix

Some users have admitted to purposefully overdosing, while others experience adverse effects to what is considered the standard dose. Some of these events have left the users with terrifying tales, but still this addictive drug has yet to register as a true threat. The reputation surrounding the drug is so positive it affords accessibility to even the most resultant of persons who cross its path. Even skeptics against it tend to change their minds when confronted directly by a users.

I had never done anything like Gunk before, not even smoked! That's why when i was offered it i turned it down, it didn't stop the girl who offered it from using it herself. This was a girl I was kind of star truck with, me the homely average girl, and her the popular party girl. I guess you could say i was crushing on her a bit. Anyway after she took the shoot and started to drool i became freaked out, i mean i heard about it but never seen just how steadily it flowed, green and thick.

I was worried for her, but she was just fine, in fact she started to get quite flirty with me and I guess I kind of fell for it. Before I knew it she was feeding me her drool on the tip of a finger, the taste was amazing, sweet and tangy with a thick syrupy texture. Then she was kissing me and I was retuning it. I don't know if it was the drool, but I got really into it and kept on kissing her right there in the center of the party making out on the sofa.

I had lost myself in the moment as I swallowed her drool, she really wasn't giving me a chance to pull away as the kissing continued perpetually. It wasn't till I felt a pang in my stomach that I became aware of just how thickly she had been drooling into my mouth. It felt like I had eaten an entire buffet with how full I felt, but even with my alarm she wouldn't stop kissing me and I couldn't stop myself from swallowing.

I don't recall how long the kiss continued on from then, I only know I was terrified as each swallow I could feel the tightness in my stomach increasing. When we finally finished making out I had to drunkenly stumble my way to the bathroom to puke, and I did. It was endless, I recall how terrifying an experience it was when the green slime just kept coming, I couldn't believe I had truly swallowed so much.

She found me then, a little after I cleaned up, and was still drooling. Shocked, afraid, and confused about it all, the first thing I wanted to do was run, but when she slid her drool covered finger between my lips the only thing I could do was follow her back to the privet room she lead me to. Before the night was through I was forced to return to the bathroom many more times to expel the drool she forced me to drink, but I still think it was the best night of my life. We are dating now, and i have Gunk to think for it.  ~ A Collage Campus Student

More and more people are using Gunk every day without a single thought to the consequences. Where did it come from, who makes it, and what are the effects of prolonged use? No one wants to ask, for now they only want to enjoy it. It is the my hope this article brings more awareness to this social drug, and hopefully encourages those who know the truth of it to speak out. Share what you know about it, and let the public know exactly what it is.



  1. I heard it was the congealed blood of vampires, anyone else have a theory?
